Lazy Day & Fried Green Tomatoes

Today has been so wonderful.  Sometimes I wonder how I got so lucky!  Last night Pete went to sleep before me and he was sleeping in the middle so instead of waking him up I went to sleep in the guest room.  There is a comfortable bed in there so I didn’t mind.  This morning really early Pete wakes me up and tells me to go and get into our bed.  I did and fell fast asleep.  I woke up and it was 9:30am and Pete was laying next to me!  WTF!!!  I was shocked.  I got all panicky and then he calmed me down and told me he called in so we could spend the day together.  AWE!  We had a wonderful day.  We cooked out on the grill for lunch and since we had Hot Dogs we watched Survivor on DVD.  We always seem to have hot dogs during survivor.  We also watched some trash TV and a show on the Disney Cruise line, we even snuggled on the sofa and watched our favorite Soap Opera.  Then he took a nap and I took a bath.  He went out and got us yummy raviolis and salad for dinner. I came into the living room and he had turned on Fried Green Tomatoes.  I love this movie.  It makes me cry so hard though when Ruth dies.  It makes me think of my best friend dying and that is too sad to even imagine!  I was sobbing so hard, I have been so emotional lately.  LOL  All in all I had a super great day!