Ocean City – Day 1

Well tonight I got down to Ocean City and Dakoda was very happy to see me.  We played a little bit and watched some TV.  I was holding him as he fell asleep.  Crystal and I stayed up awhile and talked, then I went to bed as she stayed up til 4am fighting with Dakoda’s Dad.  Fun Stuff!



Lisa, Crystal & Dakoda

Longest Day

Fridays are always long days, but Friday when you are going on vacation are super super long.  I got everything packed and I am ready to go.  I am going to go home pack up my cooler, grab a book or two and get Pete to load up the car, get my back and neck adjusted, burn my new Hairspray CD and hit the road, after a quick stop by my Dad’s to get the condo key!  I now with I would have got my nails done before vacation, but oh well.  They will be fine, just a bit long.  I can not wait to get to Ocean City.  It is going to be fun.  I talked to Crystal’s little boy Dakoda on the phone.  He was telling me all about Ocean City and how he loved it.  This is his first time there.  I have done four files so far this morning, ate a bagel (work provides breakfast on Fridays), listen to lots of XM Radio (I love having this at work) and it is still only 11am!  5:00 can not come fast enough.  LOL  I know I overpacked, I will only be there four nights, but you never know when you will spill something on yourself.  I talked to my Dad this morning and he is all ready for vacation too.  I love spending time with my family and I love Ocean city, so this is the perfect combination!